Corporate Values of Integrity and Compliance
Following the concept of pursing integrity and healthy and sustainable development while doing business, CEEC-HEPDI commits to practicing the following spirit of integrity and compliance during production and operation:
1. 严格遵守中国和业务所在国的相关法律、法规,以及国际通用的诚信合规行为准则、规定;
Comply with relevant laws and regulations in China and the host country as well as internationally accepted code of conduct and provisions on integrity and compliance;
2. 严格遵守中国共产党、有关监管机关、上级集团及公司内部诚信合规规定;
Comply with provisions concerning integrity and compliance of the Communist Party of China, relevant supervision authorities, superior unit and HEPDI;
3. 严格遵循平等、公平、诚实、守信的原则和通用的行业准则、商业惯例、道德规范;
Comply with the principle of equality, fairness, honesty and trustworthiness as well as universal industry guidelines, business practices and ethics;
4. 就诚信合规事项接受政府部门、上级单位的监管。
Accept the supervision of matters concerning integrity and compliance by the government departments and superior companies.
Requirements for Staff
CEEC-HEPDI requires all the staff to practice the corporate values of integrity and compliance and fulfill following obligations for compliance:
1. 严格遵守职业道德和纪律,认真履行岗位职责;
Earnestly comply with professional ethics and disciplines, and fulfill job responsibilities;
2. 了解、遵守国家法律法规、国际通用诚信合规行为准则、上级单位及公司诚信合规规章制度;
Understand and comply with national laws and regulations, international code of conduct on integrity and compliance, and the rules on integrity and compliance of the superior companies and HEPDI;
3. 不提供、赠予、索取、收受在工作中有业务往来的单位或个人的礼物、礼金或其他利益等;对未能拒收的礼物、礼金或其他利益,及时按规向公司纪检部门登记、上交;
Not to offer, give, seek or accept gifts, money or other benefits from units or individuals who engage in business dealing with them; and timely register and submit to HEPDI’s Discipline Inspection Department the gifts, money or other benefits they fail to reject;
4. 就诚信合规事项自愿接受政府部门、上级单位以及公司合规监管机构的监督;
Voluntarily accept the supervision of matters concerning integrity and compliance by the compliance regulators of the government departments, superior companies and HEPDI;
5. 不以为公司谋取利益为理由,授意、指使、强令、胁迫、诱骗、教唆他人实施违反合规精神的行为;
Not to use seeking benefits for HEPDI as the excuse to instigate, incite, compel, coerce, entice or abet others to engage in actions that violate the spirit of compliance;
6. 主动向公司相关部门就诚信合规风险事项进行咨询;
Consult HEPDI’s relevant department about matters concerning the risks of integrity and compliance;
7. 及时向公司相关部门反映、报告违反任何合规精神的事件、风险和问题。
Timely notify and report to HEPDI’s relevant departments any event, risk or issue that violates the spirit of compliance.
Expectations for Partners
CEEC-HEPDI values its partnership with business partners, looks forward to your understanding and respect for its values of integrity and compliance during cooperation, and opposes following misconducts that violate the spirit of integrity and compliance:
1. 贿赂行为:提供、赠予、索取、收受任何有价值之物,不当影响任何一方的行为;
Bribery: Behavior that involves offers, giving, seeking or accepting any valuables and has undue influence on any party;
2. 欺诈行为:以获取利益或避免义务为目的,实施包括但不限于虚假陈述、提供不完整信息、隐藏关键信息等,误导或企图误导任何一方决策的不当行为;
Fraud: Misconduct that misleads or attempts to mislead any party’s decision to obtain benefits or avoid obligations, which includes but is not limited to misrepresentation, providing incomplete information and hiding key information;
3. 串通行为:与第三方串通合谋,不当影响任何一方的商业决策;
Collusion: Collusion with a third party that has undue influence on any party’s business decision;
4. 胁迫行为:实施伤害任何一方或损害其财产,或以该结果为要挟,不当影响任何一方的行为。
Coercion: Behavior that hurts any party or undermines its property, or threatens to do so, and has undue influence on any party.
Channels for Whistleblowing
CEEC-HEPDI encourages all the internal and external personnel to report violations, commits to keep the whistleblower’s information confidential and take necessary protective measures for him or her (unless otherwise required by national laws, regulations and policies), carries out investigation in a lawful, compliant, fair and just manner, and takes appropriate remedial measures to handle violations:
Responsible department: CEEC-HEPDI’s Discipline Inspection Department
Hotline: +86(0)731-84474427
Enquiry E-mail: